Navigator Program
What is a Navigator?
The Navigator position was created by the Affordable Care Act to provide helpers for people to enroll in coverage through the health insurance exchange, and refer or assist with Medicaid enrollment.
In the case of uninsured consumers, a health navigator can guide the patient to understand other options like a FQHC clinic, Free clinics or point of services clinic which offer primary care services and provide financial assistance to patients. Their services are free to consumers.
How can I contact a Navigator?
Contact us by e-mail:
Francisco Guerrero: Fguerrero@uwsa.edu
Mariana Savela: msavela@uwsa.edu
Appointment scheduling tool: https://coveringwi.org/enroll
What if I’m uninsured?
If you’re shopping for individual health insurance because you’re self-employed, working for a small business – or because you’ve recently become unemployed and lost coverage – it’s a great time for you to become familiar with coverage options available to you.
The Affordable Care Act’s annual open enrollment period for 2023 coverage ended on January 15 in most states, but depending on your circumstances, you may still be able to get coverage without having to wait for the next open enrollment period.
Medicaid Info:
ForwardHealth: Unwinding Renewal Status
Not too early, not too late — renew at the “just right” time
All members of BadgerCare Plus and other Wisconsin Medicaid programs have been assigned a health care renewal date between June 2023 and May 2024. Double-check the year—no renewals are due before June 2023.
To enroll in the Medicaid Portal got to:
Covering Wisconsin Collaboration:
WIPPS / H2N partner with Covering Wisconsin to help address the need of uninsured patients in central Wisconsin. We provide Community support, Professional statewide Leadership, Expert Health Insurance Navigators.
Wisconsin has an estimated 312,000 uninsured residents, with the statewide uninsured rate estimated at 5.5% in 2020. People with lower incomes are substantially more likely to be uninsured, as are persons of color and Hispanic/Latinos of any race. Nearly half (47%) of Wisconsin’s uninsured residents are estimated eligible for Marketplace-based premium tax credits, with another 28% of uninsured residents estimated eligible for Medicaid/BadgerCare.
By providing assistance, outreach and education to our consumers in Central Wisconsin we can help bridge the gap for the uninsured community and help them enroll in a health plan that supports their needs.
Link: https://coveringwi.org/