Re-energizing civic engagement: Small City and Regional Community

Keynote speaker Harry Boyte is a senior scholar at Augsburg College and will give a presentation on October 6 talking about how small cities and towns can be centers of democracy in America.
‘Re-energizing civic engagement’ is the theme of the 20th Conference on the Small City and Regional Community, set for October 6-7 at the UW Center for Civic Engagement in Wausau.
The conference will look at how government officials can find solutions to local problems and issues. The objective is to re-energize citizen engagement and government interaction – in positive and productive ways.
On October 6, keynote speaker Harry Boyte will present on, “Small Cities: Centers of a Democratic Renaissance.” He will describe how, in a time of deep discouragement and feelings of powerlessness, small cities and towns can help lead America back to a Democratic Renaissance.
Boyte, a senior scholar in public work philosophy, is the founder of the Center for Democracy and Citizenship, now the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship at Augsburg College.
Special panelists for the keynote will be John Dickert, mayor of Racine, and David Holwerk, director of communications for the Kettering Institute. Boyte, Dickert and Holwerk will also be panelists for the plenary panel discussion on trends in public engagement.
On October 7, (8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.), presenters from diverse backgrounds and expertise will present on these topics:
- Needs analysis and planning
- Public problem solving in local communities
- Developing and sustaining civic public engagement
- Using social media to engage with the community
- Brownfield’s redevelopment
- Policy issues in small cities
- GoPoCo (Green Options Portage County) and community building for alternative transportation needs
- Youth and involvement in governing and community issues
- Governing and governance
- Researching by design: Connecting students to a local community
Conference sponsors are the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service, UW-Marathon County and the Center for the Small City at UW-Stevens Point.
Register by July 31 to get the early bird discount! Click here for more details and to register online.