Baby Business: The Dollars and Sense of Investing in Working Parents
Join fellow business and community leaders on November 15 at 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at NTC to hear what local early childhood issues impact your current or prospective employees and explore how our community can:
- Retain quality employees
- Reduce absenteeism
- Increase productivity
- Ensure future generations of a skilled, educated workforce
What can employers do to partner with parent workers to retain quality employees, reduce absenteeism, and increase productivity? What can employers do to help ensure future generations of a skilled, educated workforce? Why does investing in working parents and early childhood development yield high rates of return?
Supported parents make productive employees. Retaining skilled, productive workers is a continual challenge for employers. For working parents, the employment challenge is compounded by balancing work and family life, as well as ensuring a nurturing environment for their children, especially during the critical first years of a child’s life.
Keynote Speaker: Rob Grunewald, Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Local Panel:
- Jim McIntyre, CEO of Greenheck
- Kelly Borchardt, Executive Director of Childcaring, Inc.
- Laura Hunt, young professional and parent
This event is a sequel to the successful Baby Business forum.
Together, attendees will move from an understanding of early
childhood development and its impact on community
development, to considerations for local action!