Beyond the Headlines: The Impact of Race
Building Trust: Law Enforcement, the Media & You
A series of events that bring the national discussion of law
enforcement and media coverage home to Wausau.
Click here to register, or click the button below.
Building Trust: The Impact of Race is the fourth event in the series. Panelists at this facilitated dialogue will be Ben Bliven, city of Wausau police chief, Chris Conley, WSAU Radio operations manager, La’Tanya Campbell, The Women’s Community transitional living program coordinator, and Yauo Yang, pastor and Hmong liaison, D.C. Everest School District. Serving as moderator will be Mark Treinen, USA Today Network news director.
The event will be held October 3 at 7 p.m. at the Northcentral Technical College, 1000 W. Campus Drive, rooms E101/E 102. (adjacent to the cafeteria/Timberwolf Union).
How do news headlines, pictures and language that identify race, ethnicity or religion shape our understanding of the news and the people in the news? What is the responsibility of media and law enforcement in reporting incidents that involve minority populations?
Join us in a FREE facilitated community conversation that brings together news media, law enforcement and the public to talk about the impact of media coverage of incidents involving minority populations. How does this coverage affect public perceptions of policing? How does it affect public perceptions of minorities?
Beyond the Headlines is a statewide project. Citizens and journalists from across Wisconsin are coming together for face-to-face discussions about pressing local issues, thanks to this Wisconsin Humanities Council project.
At other Beyond the Headlines events in Wausau, Eau Claire, Milwaukee, and Superior, members of the public will meet local and nationally recognized journalists and scholars. The public will gain valuable information about an issue in their community, and hear from local journalists about how these members of the media investigate and report the news.
To register for this free event, learn more about the full slate of speakers, sponsors, and additional events around the state click here.
All events in the series include:
- June 13
Building Trust: What is News & Whose Story is it?- Featuring presenters Clayton Schulz, Robert Mentzer, & Melissa Langbehn
- September 12
Building Trust: Credibility of Law Enforcement & the Media- Featuring presenters Ben Bliven, Shereen Siewert & Glen Moberg
- October 3
Building Trust: The Impact of Race- Featuring presenters Ben Bliven, La’Tanya Campbell, Chris Conley and Yauo Yang, moderated by Mark Treinen
- November 14
Shining a Light on Democracy- Featuring presenters Clayton Schulz, Lisa Rasmussen and Curtis Miles