Building Merrill Series: Coming to America
Building Merrill Series continues March 6:
‘Coming to America: Who Should We Welcome, What Should We Do?’
On Tuesday, March 6, at 6 p.m., in T.B. Scott Free Library’s Community Room, the public is invited to be part of a dynamic community discussion, “Coming to America: Who Should We Welcome, What Should We Do?” The year-long Building Merrill Together program series continues with an open discussion, moderated by John Greenwood from WIPPS, with an opportunity to voice and exchange your ideas.
The community forum at the T. B. Scott Free Library will explore how the rate of immigration and the number of undocumented immigrants has increased, who the “Dreamers” are, and the employment and financial impacts that immigrant workers have in northern Wisconsin and Lincoln County. This forum will consider three options to improving the process of immigrating to and living in America:
- Welcome immigrants and be a beacon of freedom,
- Enforce the law, but be fair to those who follow the rules, and,
- Moderate the flow of immigrants and regain our sense of national purpose and identity.
This forum will consider three options to improving the process of immigrating to and living in America:
- Welcome immigrants and be a beacon of freedom,
- Enforce the law, but be fair to those who follow the rules, and,
- Moderate the flow of immigrants and regain our sense of national purpose and identity.
For more information, go to the library website or call 715-536-7191.