The Federal Health Insurance Marketplace in Wisconsin
Thursday, November 7: 2:30 – 5:30pm, UW-Fox Valley: Join us for a FREE enrollment training followed by the public forum at 7:00pm. WIPPS, Dept. of Health Services, and Covering Kids & Families will host a FREE training on enrolling in the new health insurance marketplace. Open to the public, all are welcome.
With the historic and controversial launch of the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace on October 1, 2013, what successes have been seen in Wisconsin during the first six weeks of enrollment? What challenges remain?
The public forum will educate the public about the impact of the new program in our state by bringing together a variety of experts, practitioners, and policy-makers to assess the progress in implementing the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM), identifying early wins and highlighting obstacles and problems that require corrective action in Wisconsin.
The November conference will feature a free public event on the evening of November 7 and a day-long professional conference on November 8.