Last Chance: The Lincoln and Marathon County Diversity Survey Closes Tomorrow
Submit your survey responses by Friday, June 10
There’s still time left to share your perspective by taking the Lincoln and Marathon County Diversity, Inclusion and Community Welcomeness Survey. The survey closes June 10, 2022 and takes just 10 minutes to complete. You can take the survey online at wipps.org/LMdiversitystudy or by accessing the following QR code:
This survey is an opportunity for all residents in Lincoln and Marathon Counties to be heard, to share how they feel about the community they live in, and to provide information that will help us better understand who we are and what we value.
The results of this survey will help community leaders and the public gain a better understanding of strengths and challenges related to diversity, inclusion, and community welcomeness. This information can also help initiate conversations or activities that seek to establish or improve the relationships between individuals living in the area.
The study is being conducted by the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service, a unit of the University of Wisconsin System Administration. Funding is provided by Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. and the B.A. and Esther Greenheck Foundation. Key partners include the Aware and Active Citizen Group from Lincoln County and the Mosaic coalition from Marathon County.
Already taken the survey?
Help us spread the word and share this message with other residents. You can find more content and templates for promotion here: wipps.org/LMdiversitystudy.
If you have any questions about the survey, please email info@wipps.org.