One Wausau: Advisory Board Nominee Descriptions
Below are descriptions of any One Wausau Advisory Board Nominee that chose to provide a short summary of themselves. Voting will take place here.
- Ashley Lange: None
- Bethany Hoffmann: I’m thrilled to be nominated for a position on the One Wausau advisory board. I’ve been involved with numerous service-related opportunities and have held numerous leadership roles throughout my life, and One Wausau is the perfect opportunity for me to use these skills and experiences to give back to my community.Besides leaving for college and studying abroad, I’ve lived in Wausau nearly my entire life. I love this area and love our community, and now that I’m raising a family here, it becomes even more imperative that I help Wausau be the best it can be. I want my kids to grow up in a place where everyone is treated fairly and equitably, no matter the color of their skin, their gender, or their identity.As a young, white woman, I’m admittedly not the poster child for diversity. But, as our country continues to grow more divided, I feel a call to get involved. I can’t sit back and wait for someone else to do the hard work – and ask the hard questions – needed to make positive change. In the words of one of my favorite quotes (Mahatma Gandhi), I need to be the change I wish to see in the world.My visionary ideas, collaborative leadership, and (perhaps most importantly) my ability to listen, ask questions, and dialogue with others make me an ideal candidate for this board. Additionally, with a professional Marketing background, I bring knowledge and experience that will help the coalition’s initiatives succeed.
- Chris Norfleet: None
- Corrie Norbom: None
- Daryl Mayfield: I am honored to be a nominee for the founding Advisory Board for One Wausau. If elected, I will be an active and energetic board member; always striving to accomplish the best for Wausau and North Central Wisconsin communities.My strengths include working as a member of a team to accomplish specific goals. Prior to coming to the Wausau area, I live in Mosinee, I had been involved in public administration in the City of Dallas, Massachusetts Port Authority-Logan Airport, Boston, and Assistant City Manager in Lufkin, Texas. After 20 years in the public sector, I started my own business — Bradley-Moesch Group, LLC — and moved to Wisconsin with my family.My professional and educational experiences allowed me to teach as an adjunct instructor for Cardinal Stritch and Upper Iowa University. Through my efforts to build my company and teach many of the adult learners in the area, I’ve come to ‘know’ the Wausau and North Central Wisconsin communities.While my experiences have overall been positive, I have had some negative experiences within the North Central Wisconsin area. Although my education and experience made many of the negatives I received inconsequential, I understand that others can experience negative interactions that leave them hurt, confused, and wondering if they belong in the North Central Wisconsin area.If elected to the Advisory Board of One Wausau, I pledge to work to address those issues that make others feel that they don’t belong. In doing so, I pledge to work with all people of goodwill.
- Gwen Taylor: My family relocated to the Weston area 8 years ago. Steven and I both hail from large cities rich with diversity. Raising our 3 multiracial children, including a child with a significant disability, in this community has been very different from what Steven and I experienced in our own childhoods. Here in the Wausau area, we have had the opportunity to discover some unique, wonderful opportunities as well as many challenges and barriers. We have been blessed with great friends, support from our school district and a great church. But we have also experienced exclusion, isolation and discrimination.Following high school, I studied social work and criminal justice. My coursework, coupled with personal life experiences, fueled a deep passion for social justice and inclusivity. Currently, I serve as the Program & Inclusion Director for Girl Scouts of the Northwestern great lakes, which serves more than 4,000 girls annually. I oversee the implementation of programs featuring strong collaborations with school districts, youth-serving agencies, residential treatment facilities, and juvenile facilities. In addition, I lead the council’s programmatic strategy and develop council-wide initiatives based on research and trends. I believe my personal experience along with my professional skills in research, program design, event development and facilitation would benefit Toward One Wausau’s efforts.As a professional, and as a parent, it is my passion and my mission to make our communities more welcoming and inclusive. Our community will thrive when all its members are valued and celebrated. Together we are truly better and stronger.Thank you!
- John Prey: The Wausau area is a great place to live, work and play. It is also an interesting place because of the diversity of the people who live and visit here. Diversity is interesting but can also present challenges, misunderstandings and even conflict. I totally embrace One Wausau’s proposed vision of creating a welcoming place where everyone respects one another and treats one another civilly, fairly and without prejudice.Major components in working toward unity in the area include training of leadership, ongoing education, constructive dialogue and widespread dissemination of information. I am currently retired but actively involved with several area organizations and committees including many with a focus on social justice issues. This involvement will provide opportunities for collaboration and support. Additionally, my experience in community development, volunteer coordination, strategic planning and fund development will be valuable in the planning, implementation and sustainability of the One Wausau effort.I would consider it a privilege to serve on the One Wausau Advisory Board and have the opportunity to help make a difference in our community. Your vote for me to serve on the Board will be greatly appreciated.
- Kayley McColley: So many of the issues the board discusses and cares about pertain directly to me and I know many of the youth in Wausau. I want to see some changes be made ultimately for the benefit of the youth and I believe the best way to do that is to lead by example. I’m grateful for where Wausau is at, but I’m excited for where the youth can take it.
- Laura Hunt: None
- Libby Plamann: None
- Mang Xiong: None
- Rick Reyer: None
- Sheng Khang: Hi everyone! My name is Sheng Khang and I have lived in Wausau for over ten years and witnessed it flourished over the years. I am interested in serving as a founding Advisory Board member of the One Wausau coalition, because I am a servant leader who’s passionate about helping others. I have a Women’s Studies Certificate from the University of Wisconsin – Marathon County (UWMC) and a Bachelors in Healthcare Administration from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. My experience in leadership and inclusive positions include one semester as the Multicultural Resource Center Executive Director, as a student ambassador for the UWMC, and as an ELL teacher assistant for a local school. I have also volunteered with a variety of places from the health center to The Women’s Community. I currently work at a staffing agency where I help people from all walks of life find jobs to better themselves and their future. This opportunity to serve on the board with Once Wausau would allow me to put my passion into action, make a difference in others’ lives and move Wausau toward a more inclusive and progressive future. Thank you!
- Toney Gonzalez: Congratulations for coming to this site. It shows you have concern for the growth of a community that is welcoming to those who want to bring their talents and contributions.My name is Tony Gonzalez; I have been one of the chairpersons for Toward One Wausau since it began. I became fascinated with the goals envisioned and decided to commit toward building an inclusive, integral, and welcoming community. I believe that to accomplish this we must leave behind senseless partisanship’s and bring all sectors of our region to the table, emphasize commonalities, and strive for a strong sense of community were all are valued.My lifelong experiences will bring leadership and understanding needed for One Wausau. I was born in New York in 1966 and raised in Bogota, Colombia. I returned to the U.S. in 1980, graduated in 1983, and joined the U.S. Air Force. I learned the electrical trade and TEAMWORK. My travels inside the U.S. and around the world taught me appreciation for our country and the richness of different cultures. I am as much American as I am Hispanic and understand the needs, worries, and goals of both cultures.My interpreting business has an outreach component for the Hispanic community and I also run the local adult soccer league. I have a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, belong to Wausau Metro Strong and other organizations. I would be honored to work with all and earn trust to be a productive board member for One Wausau.Thank you.
- Yauo Yang: None