Obey-Petri Series: Retired Democrat, Republican hope to rally youth
WAUSAU — Two longtime congressional leaders will go on tour to talk politics and civic engagement with young people.
U.S. Rep. Tom Petri and former Congressman Dave Obey will tour on a Civic Participation Lecture Series. They hope to encourage young people to learn more about democracy and specific practices at the state and federal level as well as promote public involvement and discussion.
Democrat Obey served Wisconsin’s Seventh Congressional District for 42 years — the longest such tenure in state history. Republican Petri will soon retire from Wisconsin’s Sixth Congressional District after 36 years as a representative and six years in the state Senate.
The series is put on by the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service and the David R. Obey Civic Resource Center. Obey and Petri are open for events during the weeks of March 2 and April 13.