Community for Us by Us: What’s an ideal Wisconsin Rapids?
Source: Wisconsin Rapids Tribune
WISCONSIN RAPIDS – Wisconsin Rapids residents have a new opportunity to become more engaged in the community where they live, work and play.
Community for Us, By Us is a new program that will allow residents to come together to discuss the values and concerns they share related to the community. It’s part of the “Voices of Democracy” project launched by the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service.
The purpose of the program is to find out what people value in Wisconsin Rapids, their concerns for the future, and what they can do to help make a difference. Participants will discuss their values and concerns about the community, why they chose to become engaged in making a difference through this program and what an ideal Wisconsin Rapids community would look like.
The Community for Us, By Us series will launch with a free event from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at McMillan Memorial Library, 490 E. Grand Avenue in Wisconsin Rapids. Its intent is to help community members build local networks with the capacity to pursue promising community impact. The project is funded through a grant from the Brico Fund and further supported by Incourage Community Foundation.
Future efforts will include developing priority concerns to focus on and working together to make an impact on that issue. Similar community efforts in Wisconsin Rapids include the Tribune Building Project.
This event is free and open to the public.
Founded in 2007, WIPPS is a unit of the UW Colleges and UW-Extension. Its mission is to address local, state and national issues by linking public scholarship, civic outreach and student service to enhance community life throughout Wisconsin.
Article written by Caitlin Shuda: 715-424-7307 or cshuda@gannett.com; on Twitter @CaitlinShuda.