WIPPS Moderator Masterclass Training Collaborations
To reinforce and improve moderator skills for running deliberative forums and to continue with previous efforts to build a growing cadre of trained National Issues Forum moderators throughout the state, WIPPS conducted a “masterclass” Moderator Training session on August 24, 2010 with two UWMC faculty members, a social studies teacher, a school counselor, the Director of Marathon County Social Services, and a WIPPS intern. This group was specifically chosen because the members were not only experienced moderators, trained in the National Issues Forum practices, but they were also experienced educators with proven facilitation skills. A review of moderator best-practices was implemented to improve future deliberative forums in educational settings and in preparation for WIPPS to conduct a series of “Economic Security” community forums throughout the state of Wisconsin.
Growing interest in the deliberative process and moderator development is evidenced by a request by the Board of the Wisconsin Leadership Institute—affiliated with Ripon College — to experience a National Issues Forum deliberation and explore the how this process enhances leadership development, civic engagement, and organizational governance issues. These “masterclass” iterations of moderator development will also be incorporated into the expanding WIPPS Teachers’ Institute project through collaborations such as those with Ripon College and the Wisconsin Leadership Institute, as well as with local school districts across Wisconsin.
For more information on Moderator Training initiatives, e-mail john.greenwood@uwc.edu.