WIPPS salutes sponsors for Substance Abuse Conference

On May 16, WIPPS teamed up with over a dozen organizations to present our first-ever regional conference dealing with the challenging issues around substance abuse.

Substance Abuse: It’s Everybody’s Business – Uniting to Think Differently about Addiction,” brought together local and national experts as well as our community partners to better understand substance abuse and to consider evidence-based strategies and best practices to address the addiction crisis. More than 300 participants converged at the James Veninga Theater at the UW Center for Civic Engagement in Wausau – from a wide variety of professions – including medicine, government, law enforcement, education, clergy and businesses.

If not for the generous support of our donors, sponsors and partners, this conference could not have taken place. WIPPS extends our sincere appreciation to the following organizations for the financial, time and personnel commitments that made this community event a success.

With your help, we can continue to bring events, information, education, and leadership principles to the great people of Wisconsin.

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