WIPPS staffer helps grow love for gardens
Source: Wausau Daily Herald
Leaders at the Monk Botanical Gardens have planted the seeds for a new garden club aimed at young teens.
And they hope with the proper attention and nurturing, the group can thrive as well as any plant that can be found in the developing botanical garden.
Leo Moua, 26, of Wausau is the volunteer adviser for the club. So far it has met only twice, and only two middle-school aged girls have participated in both meetings. But Moua believes the effort can take root as he works to get the word out about what the club is and what it can offer teens.
“It’s going to be a challenge,” Moua said. “I’ll be targeting students in middle school, but transportation for those students can be very difficult.”
Once school begins in September, he’ll be using school newsletters and other resources to spread the word.