WIPPS, UWSP Partner on 20th Small Cities Conference
A diverse group of government officials, students, UW academics and UW-Extension staff, as well as community members from across the state, came together to share ideas and learn what’s working in other cities at the 20th Conference on the Small City and Regional Community, held October 6-7 at the UW Center for Civic Engagement, Wausau.
Keynote speaker Harry Boyte, founder of the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship at Augsburg College, described how small cities “hold immense potential to be at the center of re-growing our democratic imagination and birthing a democratic renaissance.”
Success stories on the theme of “Re-imagining Public Engagement: Civic Participation in Local Governance” were shared throughout the 15 sessions to nearly 100 attendees. Whether presenting a step-by-step guide on developing and sustaining civic engagement, ways to jumpstart community involvement using social media or bridging links across the political aisle, the Small Cities Conference offered tangible solutions to common problems facing small communities in America.
Special thanks to Bob Wolensky and Ed Miller at the UW-Stevens Point Center for the Small City for partnering with WIPPS on this year’s program, and to our sponsors: UW-Marathon County, Ministry Health Care, North Central Regional Planning Commission and Scherrer Construction.