10/13/20 Quick Thoughts and a Word for the Week
Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service (WIPPS)
Student Journalism Program Participants
Roger Utnehmer, Director
WIPPS Student Journalism Program
I’m looking forward to meeting you at our first Zoom meeting this Thursday at 4PM. You’ll enjoy connecting with our new Student Journalism Program Coordinator, Katie Schramm.
Each week I’d like to share possible story ideas for you to get approved by your media partner and also a comment or two about making this program more successful. To make it simple and short, I’ll just call it A Word for the Week.
This week, the word is initiative. My advice to all student journalists is to not fear or be apprehensive about taking initiative with your media partners or those of us here at WIPPS working to make this successful with you.
If you take charge of starting the process of getting your media partner to approve story ideas, I’m confident your work will be recognized. Please remember everyone in the media today is stretched with more work and time and staff with which to do it. By seizing opportunity and initiating contact, your stories are more likely to be approved.
As you apply for admission to college, for scholarships or employment in the future you’ll have something on your resume many will not. You’ll have specific examples of taking initiative appropriately in a business environment.
Now, for some possible stories you can consider…just remember to approve stories before writing them with your media partner
- ….watch the Netflix documentary “The Social Dilemma” and write about your reaction.
- …what do city high school students get out of belonging to FFA (formerly known as Future Farmers of America.)?
- …some municipalities are recruiting high school students to work as poll workers for the Nov. 3rd election. Any student interest in becoming poll workers? Process?
- …have any activities or programs actually seen an increase in participation because of Covid? What has been the impact on others?
- …California is considering a proposal to lower the voting age to 16. What do students consider to be the pros and cons of doing that in Wisconsin?
- …for school districts holding a building or over-ride referendum, what is the student perspective?
- …how green is your school? What can make it more environmentally sensitive?
That should give you enough to consider some stories…and get some free pizza from WIPPS. We’re still waiting to hear who gets a story aired or published next and will send a $25 gift card to you for pizza.“See” you Thursday at 4PM on Zoom. Thanks.
Roger Utnehmer, Director
Student Journalism Program
920 495 9677
Katie Schramm, Student Coordinator
Student Journalism Program
920 723 5814