UW-Superior Link Center hosts Lt. Governor Barnes for free virtual speaker event
Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes to present “Defining Moments from COVID-19”
The University of Wisconsin-Superior’s Link Center presents guest speaker, Wisconsin Governor Mandela Barnes, for a free virtual presentation open to the community from noon to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, March 23, 2021.
In a presentation titled “Defining Moments from COVID-19,” Lt. Governor Barnes will share his story and reflections as we near the one-year anniversary of Governor Tony Evers’ Safer at Home order, issued on March 25, 2020. The reflection will include defining moments as a leader, where we were at the start of the pandemic, where we are now, and where Lt. Governor Barnes hopes to see Wisconsin in the future.
Registration is free and required by Monday, March 22.
This is the final event in a four-part series of speakers made possible by a generous grant from the Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leadership and supported by the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service.
Attendees are invited to pre-submit questions to Emily Groves, Community Engagement Coordinator, at egroves1@uwsuper.edu.