Next Two Bald Guys: National Convention Guests Confirmed
COVID-19 has dramatically changed how campaigns are being run, with candidates focusing on online efforts and phone banking instead of conventional rallies and door-to-door canvasing. National conventions are no exception.
What will the upcoming conventions look like in a virtual environment? Will it change how people view and feel about the conventions? Does this mean the end of in person conventions as we know it?
This week’s Two Bald Guys features two guests who will give insight into how their party is handling holding national conventions during the pandemic.
- Tom Schreibel – Republican National Committeeman from Wisconsin
- Craig Mastantuono – Democratic National Convention Delegate from Wisconsin
What are your thoughts on this topic? Join us for this livestream Friday at noon on the WIPPS Facebook page. Go to: www.facebook.com/WIPPSorg/.
Post comments and questions during the event, or email questions in advance at info@wipps.org.
Please share this message with friends, colleagues and relatives. “See you” Friday!