Next Two Bald Guys: Former Senate investigator talks corruption, complex issues, oversight

This week’s “Two Bald Guys” welcomes Elise Bean, former investigator on the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations and, since 2015, director of the Levin Center’s Washington Bureau, a nonprofit whose mission is to strengthen bipartisan oversight capacity in Congress and state legislatures.

In a nearly 30-year career as a Senate investigator for Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), including 15 years at the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Bean handled investigations, hearings and legislation on matters involving money laundering, offshore tax abuse, corruption, shell companies and corporate misconduct.

She will shed light on how a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision helped preserve congressional oversight and discuss key congressional investigations to watch.

Don’t miss this livestream Friday at noon on the WIPPS Facebook page.
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