Next Two Bald Guys: How to ‘Bridge the Divide’
Watch “Two Bald Guys” Friday at noon when we will be joined by Erica Turner and Heidi Wheeler, leaders of “Bridge the Divide”, a grassroots organization that provides a forum for discussion and action around racial divides. Turner and Wheeler co-host a weekly podcast and write thought-provoking pieces to challenge our preconceived ideas, forge community relationships, and actively diversify society to effect change. To learn more about Bridge the Divide, visit www.bridgethedivide.life.
Topics to be covered:
- How do we create safe spaces for challenging conversations on in our community?
- What practical steps can communities take to meaningfully address issues of diversity, equity and inclusion?
- How do we sustain momentum towards meaningful change in terms of racial repair, reconstruction and reconciliation in our state and in our communities?
What are your thoughts on this topic? Join us for this livestream Friday at noon on the WIPPS Facebook page. Go to: www.facebook.com/WIPPSorg/live.
Post comments and questions during the event, or email questions in advance to info@wipps.org.
“See you” Friday!