Next Two Bald Guys: Re-thinking Statues in America
From Confederate soldiers to Christopher Columbus and from schools to military bases, statues, flags and names that remind us of America’s contentious past are coming down. In the wake of the George Floyd killing and ongoing protests, many view these symbols as emblematic of the nation’s long legacy of racism and oppression.
In some cases incidents of statue toppling and defacement have erupted in violence and counter protests. At the very least, they have sparked a national debate over which symbols of history should be preserved, taken down, or even destroyed.
How do we re-think history fairly, truthfully and in a way that preserve our collective values? What do we want to celebrate and preserve and where do we draw our historical lines?
Two experts will join us in our discussion of rethinking statues and the meaning of American history on the next episode of “Two Bald Guys.”
James Grossman, Executive Director of the American Historical Association and Stuart Levitan, former chair of the Madison Landmarks Commission, will discuss with our two lively co-hosts – WIPPS Executive Director Eric Giordano and WIPPS Senior Policy Fellow Dave Anderson.
Don’t miss this live stream Friday at noon on the WIPPS Facebook page.
Go to: www.facebook.com/WIPPSorg/. This episode will be longer due to the nature of the topic and because we will feature two guests.
Have a question for our guests? You can post comments and questions during the event, or email questions in advance at info@wipps.org.
Please share this message with friends, colleagues and relatives. “See you” Friday!