Tom Kemp, Ph.D.
Dr. Thomas Kemp is Chair and Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire. His former employers include the Department of Transport – Abu Dhabi (2011-2012), The City of Eau Claire, WI (2007-2011), and Denver University (2001 – 2002). He currently teaches Applied Research Methods, International Trade and Finance, The History of Economic Thought, and Macroeconomics. His ongoing research interests include hedonic modeling, local economic development and transportation policy, and public policy design. Dr. Kemp has authored dozens of policy papers and published in a variety of academic journals including The Appraisal Journal, Journal of Economic Issues, Review of Social Economy, and The Forum for Social Economics. He is the author of the books, Progress and Reform: The Economic Thought of John R. Commons (2009) and Basic Macroeconomics (2016).
Tom Kemp, Ph.D.
Professor, Dept of Economics, UW-Eau Claire