How Wausome is Wausau?
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS PROJECT? As a resident of the Wausau area, you can offer important insights about your experiences living in our local communities. Whether you are a newcomer to the area; returning to the area after living, working, or attending school elsewhere; or a longer-term resident, we want to understand why you choose to live in the Wausau area.
What do you like and dislike about living here? What are your ideas for improving community welcomeness, connectedness, and belonging? And we don’t just want to hear from people who enjoy living here. We want all perspectives to be represented, including those who may be considering leaving and moving elsewhere.
The How Wausome is Wausau? Project uses facilitated small group discussions to gather feedback directly from Wausau area residents that can be used to improve belonging, physical & mental health, and talent retention in our community.
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? Participants must be between the ages of 21 and 55 and live in Wausau, Kronenwetter, Mosinee, Rib Mountain, Rothschild, Schofield, or Weston. Three (3) types of groups will be offered.
Click here to register!
Newcomer: You are new to the Wausau area and moved here in 2020, 2021, 2022, or 2023. You never previously lived in the Wausau area prior to moving here.
Returning Wausau area resident: You spent some or all of your childhood/adolescence living in the Wausau area. You moved back to live in the Wausau area in 2020, 2021, 2022, or 2023, after having lived elsewhere for at least 3 years. This would include those who left for military service, work, or to attend a technical school, college, or professional school outside of the area.
Established/long-term Wausau area resident: You have continuously lived in the Wausau area for at least 3 years. You were living in the Wausau area as of December 31, 2019 and have lived here since that time.
WHEN ARE THE DISCUSSIONS? Registration in advance is required. Spots are limited to up to 10 per group.
Select a date based on the group which best describes you and whether you prefer in-person or virtual
Newcomer Groups:
IN-PERSON OPTION – Tuesday, April 25 – 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin 200 Washington St, Suite 120, Wausau
VIRTUAL VIA ZOOM OPTION – Monday, May 1 – 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Link will be sent 24 hours in advance
Returning Wausau Area Resident Groups:
IN-PERSON OPTION -Wednesday, April 26 – 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin 200 Washington St, Suite 120, Wausau
VIRTUAL VIA ZOOM OPTION – Tuesday, May 2 – 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Link will be sent 24 hours in advance
Established Area Resident Groups:
IN-PERSON OPTION -Thursday, April 27 – 6:00 to 7:30 pm This session is now full
Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin 200 Washington St, Suite 120, Wausau
VIRTUAL VIA ZOOM OPTION -Wednesday, May 3 – 6:00 to 7:30 pm This session is now full
Link will be sent 24 hours in advance
These discussions are designed to gather open and honest feedback on a range of topics such as:
- Why do community members choose to live in the Wausau area? Why might they consider leaving?
- To what extent do community members feel connected to the area and what are factors that contribute to their sense of connectedness (or lack of connectedness)?
- For those that have moved to the area recently or have moved back to the area recently, what was their move like and what might have made it better in terms of acclimating to and getting to know the community better?
- Obtain feedback on new programs to create a more welcoming
• In-person and virtual options are offered. You only need to participate in one discussion group.
• A maximum of 10 individuals will be in each group. Each focus group discussion will last about 1.5 hours.
• Spots are limited so please register early!
• Only members of the WIPPS Research Partners project team will facilitate and/or observe the discussions.
• The discussions will be recorded to help with the analysis. The recordings and notes will be kept private. Only members of the project team at WIPPS will use the recordings or notes. They will not be shared with anyone outside of WIPPS.
• Each participant will receive a $30 Greater Wausau Chamber of Commerce gift card in appreciation of their participation. These cards can be used at many places throughout the community.
• Light refreshments will be provided during the in-person sessions.
- After the focus groups are completed, WIPPS Research Partners will analyze the information to identify common themes. The findings will be compiled into a summary report. You will also receive a copy of the report.
- You will NOT be personally identified in the Any quotes or comments included in the report will NOT be attributed to anyone by name. Names or other identifiable information will NOT be used in the report.
This project was developed by the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service (WIPPS). Funding for this project was provided by the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin. You can find more information about the Community Foundation here: https://cfoncw.org/
The Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin wants these sessions to be an opportunity for community members to provide open and honest feedback about these topics and has partnered with WIPPS Research Partners to conduct the discussion groups as a neutral, objective group. WIPPS Research Partners, a unit of the University of Wisconsin System, has a long-history of helping Wisconsin schools, businesses, non-profits, and other organizations with focus groups, surveys and other similar projects. Based in Wausau at the UW Stevens Point at Wausau Campus, you can find more information about WIPPS here: https://wipps.org/research-partners/
QUESTIONS? Contact Cheryl Wolken, Wausau Area Marketing Specialist at the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin at cheryl@wausome.com or at 715-845-9555. Or Sharon Belton, Director of WIPPS Research Partners at sbelton@uwsa.edu or at 715-302-8483.
Click here to download the program flyer.
Click here to download the program info sheet.