Town of Wausau Public Opinion Survey Project
WIPPS was contracted by the Wausau Town Council to conduct a comprehensive survey of town residents in order to understand public opinion on a number of municipal services and public policy issues. The survey included topics related to land use, road maintenance, firearm usage, pet and animal ownership, and numerous other issues. A report was submitted to the Town Council upon completion of the project.
WIPPS Research Partner and GIS specialist Jim McCluskey assisted the project by adding a key mapping overlay component to visually represent how residents in different geographic areas of the town responded to various issues such as gun use for hunting, dog leash laws, and road construction, among other issues.
WIPPS employed student interns to input and collate data. Of 900 surveys sent, over 500 were returned for a 60% response rate. Results of the survey were delivered to the Town Board in February 2011.
See published article about the project in Directions Magazine here: https://www.directionsmag.com/article/1859