WIPPS Research Partners offers ‘COVID-19 Return-To-Work’ survey tool
WIPPS Research Partners offers employers new survey tool
on return to work amid COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a huge shift to working remotely for many businesses and organizations. Employers are now wrestling with when and how to bring their employees safely back to the workplace.
A key decision-point they face is whether to continue with work-from-home options for a longer time period, and possible implications of ongoing remote work from the standpoint of employee productivity, engagement and overall work-life balance.
To help organizations make more informed decisions in the coming weeks and months ahead, WIPPS Research Partners has developed a new, online COVID-19 Return-To-Work survey tool. This survey tool gathers comprehensive and detailed information from employees about their experiences working from home during the pandemic, as well their concerns about returning to work and the continuation of remote work. For a detailed overview of the survey tool, click here.
The online, anonymous survey will take 15-20 minutes to complete, and gauges employee perceptions of:
- Company’s overall response to Safer-At-Home (timeliness and clarity)
- Employees’ overall experience with working from home
- Supervisor interactions
- Working from home and impacts on work-life balance
- Changes in productivity, quality and engagement
- Problems with technology, communication, access to information needed to complete work, connectedness/engagement, and logistics (child care access, work space)
- Level of concern with returning to work and reasons for concern
- Providing a safe environment for return to work (social distancing, work space, protective equipment, policies and procedures)
- Ongoing work-from-home options
- Potential impact on connectedness/engagement
WIPPS Research Partners will make a PDF version of the survey tool available for use at no cost. Businesses or organizations interested in online survey administration and data analysis may contact WIPPS Research Partners for a free initial consult.
“This is a strictly confidential survey, geared for employees who work from home during the pandemic as well as those who continue to work on site,” said Sharon Belton, Ph.D., director of WIPPS Research Partners. “Our experience working with survey data and statistical analysis software allows for efficient data analysis and expert interpretation of results, providing a higher level of insight than typical online surveys done in-house,” she said. We ask, ‘What do these results mean in practical terms? What conclusions are appropriate to draw from these data?’”
As a university-based research organization, WIPPS Research Partners provides cost-effective budgeting and detailed, transparent project proposals outlining services and timelines. For information on how to access the survey tool or other questions on survey administration and data analysis, contact Sharon Belton at sbelton@uwsa.edu or call 715-302-8483.