Meet the WIPPS team: Jennifer Leber

Tell us a bit about yourself

I am a lifelong resident of the Wausau area. I currently attend UW-Milwaukee as an online student nearing the completion of a Bachelor’s degree in Community Engagement and Education, and I have recently been admitted to an accelerated Master’s degree program which will allow me to concurrently complete a MS in Cultural Foundations of Community Engagement and Education.  

What do you do at WIPPS?

My role at WIPPS encompasses assisting with various events and programs, including the Refugee Series, the Toward One Wisconsin Conference, and LENA Start. I have assisted with writing grants, qualitative coding, focus group discussions, and serving as support staff at events.  

What’s your favorite thing about working at WIPPS?

My favorite thing about working at WIPPS is being engaged with the community and building relationships with people in the community. As a former parent participant of the LENA Start program, I’m very excited to work as a co-facilitator for sessions in Spring 2023. I believe in LENA Start’s mission to accelerate language development in children aged birth to three in order to improve their cognitive, social and emotional health.  

I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to work with WIPPS. I have begun to gain a working knowledge of how community-based organizations operate in the Wausau area, as well as how programs and events are developed and implemented. I see my experience with WIPPS as impactful for my future career aspirations to continue working with Central Wisconsin communities through nonprofit work.