How Immigration Impacts Central Wisconsin
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service UW Center for Civic Engagement
Address: 625 Stewart Avenue, Wausau WI
The second in our three-part series, Conversations About Immigration in Our Community, this panel discussion will feature several panelists drawn from various segments of local society representing a diversity of viewpoints, – from dairy farms, rural industry, law enforcement, education, business, various immigrant populations, and others. Moderator for this event will be Rob Ferrett, host of Wisconsin Public Radio’s daily “Central Time” program. The purpose of this event is to help us understand how immigration affects our local society and economy from the perspective of those who live in Central Wisconsin. Following the moderated session, the public audience will have a chance to weigh in.
Confirmed panelists include:
Cheryl Baker, Superintendent, Abbotsford School District
Chuck Berendes, immigration lawyer, Catholic Charities
Hans Breitenmoser, Breitenmoser Family Farms
Dr. Sonal Chandratre, Medical College of Wisconsin-Central Wisconsin
Mirella Espino, UWMC graduate and Development Associate at CLUES (Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio)
Brian Forrest, Maple Ridge Dairy
Dr. Maysee Yang Her, Executive Director, Hmong Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce
Brian Hoover, Human Resource Manager, Greenheck Fan
Becky Mroczenski, R.N., B.S.N., Marathon County Health Department
Scott Parks, Marathon County Sheriff
Dr. Fernando “Fritz” Riveron, Aspirus Thoracic Surgery (retired)
Kathy Rubino, Food Bank and Pantry Director, The Neighbor’s Place
Yaou Yang, Hmong Parent Liaison, D.C. Everest School District and Pastor, The Cross Church
Christine Munson, Director of Advising and Student Success, Northcentral Technical College
Tony Gonzalez – EAG Interpreters