Toward One Wausau: Final Public Deliberation
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service UW Center for Civic Engagement
Address: 625 Stewart Avenue, Wausau WI
Last fall, the Toward One Wausau project held its kickoff event to gauge initial community feelings on diversity issues. After a detailed concerns gathering and research period last winter by Toward One Wausau committee members (including an online community survey), many community dialogues or “deliberations” were held across the city. Over 200 people participated in one or more of the dialogues, with a final public deliberation set for September 18. The public is invited to come to this final dialogue and help Toward One Wausau find common areas to help build unity and find solutions to ethnic and cultural diversity issues. Everyone’s viewpoint is invited and respected. All data that is gathered from notes taken from each of the dialogues will be used to find common themes and a direction for the next step in the process – a final public, celebratory event on October 20 which will report findings of all the deliberative events and discuss ways to forge ahead with tangible ways to enhance diversity and build unity in Wausau.