WIPPS receives 2023 Outstanding Partner in Community Health Award
The Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service (WIPPS) was honored to be a recipient of the Marshfield Clinic Health System Outstanding Partner in Community Health Award.
“Without the direct involvement from these key partners, our work would not be as effective,” said Jay Shrader, vice president of community impact and social accountability for the Health System. “It is the nature of community health that
work is done collaboratively with members of the community. We are so fortunate for the hundreds of community partners we work with regularly and wish we could acknowledge them all. These awardees exemplify the highest level of partnership and achievement of the most significant outcomes, and this is one way we can acknowledge and thank them for their commitment to improving the health of our communities.”
WIPPS extends gratitude to Marshfield Clinic for not only this recognition, but for
being a powerful partner in the effort to address community health needs.
“This award is due to the hard work of WIPPS staff members of the Hmong and
Hispanic Network, Rural Resiliency Network, Lena Start, and Dr. Corrie
Norrbom,” said WIPPS Executive Director Eric Giordano. “We are truly grateful for
their dedication to this important work.”
Congratulations to all the other recipients of this award. Your dedication to
improving community health is inspiring, and we’re proud to stand alongside
you in this important work. See below for a full list of award recipients.
2023 Outstanding Partners in Community Health
- Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
- Dr. Kelsie Offenwanger, Marshfield Clinic Health System
- Dr. Lindsey Buswell Cleary, Marshfield Medical Center – Beaver Dam
- Eau Claire Health Alliance: Substance Misuse Action Team
- findhelp
- Jenna Flynn, Marathon County Health Department
- Smiles on Wheels
- Stan Kocos, Advance NPO Solutions, LLC
- University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point
- University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
- Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service (WIPPS)