Building Merrill Series: Economic Development Deliberative Forum
The “Building Merrill Together Series” continues with an Economic Development Deliberative Forum to explore options that would lead to the creation of the most effective economic plan for the present and future development of Merrill. Outcomes will be to identify common ground regarding a city economic plan and identify next action steps that would be needed to maintain and improve this plan over time.
This third discussion of the economic development series will be held on November 5 from 6-8 p.m. in the Lincoln County Services Center Upper Assembly Room with an exploration of the assets and challenges Merrill has regarding its economic development.
The dialogue aims to:
• Specifically define what economic development means for Merrill’s present and future
• Articulate what is currently being done for economic development and why
• Understand at a deeper level what the individual and collective thinking is about Merrill’s assets and challenges regarding economic development
• Utilize community sector, county government and city government collaboration strategies to enhance policy decisions
This approach is driven by the belief that public reflection on what it means to make a living and make a life in Merrill, and exploring public policy issues such as economic development, will lead to the development and implementation of creative ideas and plans that are truly citizen, community and governmentally based.
For more information, contact Laurie Ollhoff at 715-536-7191 or John Greenwood at 715-218-0284.