Get Out The Vote
WIPPS and UW-Marathon County Student Government, in partnership with Wisconsin Campus Compact, are holding a series of debate watching events for students leading up to the presidential election. They are part of a Get Out The Vote (GOTV) initiative to get people engaged in the upcoming national election.
The final debate watch party will be from 7:30-9:30 p.m. on October 19 at UW-Marathon County Center for Civic Engagement – Sonnentag Room.
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will debate at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. Moderator will be Chris Wallace, Fox News Sunday anchor.
The debate will be shown on a large projection screen. Refreshments will be available at the debate watch party. To register for this free event, or for more information, contact Matt Froom at matthew.froom@uwc.edu or call 715-261-6195.