Obey-Petri Take Civility On The Road
Here’s the story: Two long-time, retired U.S. Congressmen, from opposite sides of the political aisle, decided to go on the road. They traveled throughout Wisconsin to discuss how citizens of all ages can further political causes through bipartisanship. Their talks were free and open to the public. They were met with positive and affirming crowds wherever they go. Sound unbelievable? It happened – in fact, the Obey-Petri Civic Participation Lecture Series completed its third series with a fall tour in October 2015.
Through this Lecture Series, the general public was able to hear directly from Congressman Dave Obey (D), and Tom Petri (R) about how politics work at the state and national levels, and the importance of civic participation in bipartisan discussions.
Dave Obey says, “It’s not a mortal sin to listen to what people on the other side have to say. Politics is the only substitution for war we have; it is the peaceful resolution of differences.”
Tom Petri affirms, “You can have constructive as well as destructive disagreements, and sometimes as you debate and argue and differ, you learn something.”