Next Two Bald Guys: Update from the Frontlines of the War on COVID-19
On Monday, the same day the U.S. reached a somber milestone of 300,000 deaths from the coronavirus, the FDA approved the first COVID-19 vaccine, with health care workers among the first to receive the vaccine on Tuesday. What lies ahead in the coming months in the battle to defeat this deadly adversary? From a state perspective, what are the biggest challenges in rolling out the vaccine here, and how can health leaders get public buy-in on working together to lessen the virus spread?
Find out Friday at noon on “Two Bald Guys” when our lively co-hosts – WIPPS Executive Director Eric Giordano and WIPPS Senior Policy Fellow Dave Anderson – discuss “Update from the Frontlines of the War on COVID-19” with two Wisconsin health care leaders:
- Bud Chumbley, M.D., M.B.A., CEO of the Wisconsin Medical Society
- Gina Dennik-Champion, executive director of the Wisconsin Nursing Association
To view the noon program on Friday, go to www.facebook.com/WIPPSorg/.
Post your comments and questions for our guests during the event, or email questions in advance at info@wipps.org.
Please share this message with friends, colleagues and relatives. “See you” Friday!