Veninga Lecture: Pre-Event Discussion
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Location: UW Center for Civic Engagement, James F. Veninga Theater
Address: 625 Stewart Avenue, Wausau WI
The public is invited to gather for small-group dialogues in advance of the Veninga Lecture on Religion and Society presentation on “Christians in the Age of Outrage.” The purpose of the discussion is to help attendees prepare for the lecture.
Discussion topics announced for the Veninga Lecture pre-event:
• Where have you experienced polarization in your relationships (family, friends, coworkers) and how has this impacted those relationships?
• How has technology and social media contributed to our culture of outrage and division?
• In an era of hostility and division, how can we disagree constructively? How can we find common ground while still respecting ideological, religious and cultural differences?
Everyone is welcome to attend this informative pre-event before we hear Dr. Stetzer’s talk on Sept. 13, 7 p.m., Wausau West High School Auditorium.
Please note: Dr. Stetzer will NOT be attending these dialogues.
Click here for additional information about the upcoming Veninga Lecture.
Please sign up for the upcoming dialogue below.