Toward One Wausau: Celebration Featured By Wausau Daily Herald
The Wausau Daily Herald published a piece to spread the word about the Final Celebration.
Wausau Daily Herald: Event attendees will be able to share their reactions to Toward One Wausau’s takeaways. There will also be 30-minute table discussions on what steps the community can take next.
“We just need to keep working towards attitudes that are hopefully more open and accepting,” said Laura Hunt, co-chair of Toward One Wausau’s executive committee.
Hunt said another aim of the event is to bring people together who might not normally run in the same social circles and celebrate the spirit of diversity in Wausau. Outside of discussions about the project’s findings, people will be able to enjoy ethnic food and music from David Deon and the Soul Inspirations, featuring Chris Norfleet.
VIDEOS, REPORTS ON TOWARD ONE WAUSAU: Click here for an in-depth look at the community project at wipps.org
Doors open at 6 p.m., and the program begins at 6:30. The event is free and open to the general public. People can register online to reserve a spot at wipps.org.
Join Toward One Wausau’s celebration
What: Toward One Wausau: ‘Culmination, Evaluation and Celebration’
When: 6 p.m. Oct. 20
Where: Northcentral Technical College Cafeteria, 1000 West Campus Drive, Wausau