WIPPS 2015 Spring News: Retired banker joins WIPPS Board
A retired Wausau banker with a passion for civic involvement is a recent addition to the WIPPS Board.
Steve Anderson spent 40 years in the banking industry, retiring in 2011 as chief executive officer of River Valley Bank in Wausau. He will provide strong business expertise as well as UWMC Foundation involvement.
He served on the UW-Marathon County Foundation for nine years, five years as president, and participated in other local campus activities.
“I have a fond memory of my two years as a UWMC student, and feel it’s a great institution for getting the best out of each student. I am an admirer of (former UWMC Dean and WIPPS founder) Jim Veninga and am honored to serve in the organization that he created.”
A graduate of Wausau High School (now Wausau East), Anderson graduated from UWMC in 1969 and UW-Madison in 1971.