WIPPS 2015 Spring News: Social Justice advocate speaks at Veninga Religion and Politics Series
A retired Presbyterian minister and social justice advocate discussed “A Pastor’s view of Social Justice and the Church” on April 21 as part of WIPPS’ James F. Veninga Religion and Politics Series.
Reverend George DeMass has worked for social justice issues throughout his life. He has helped the Lakota Sioux in South Dakota. For 20 years, he was actively involved in Northern Ireland’s peacemaking efforts. He is currently president of the Safe Haven Holocaust Museum Refugee Shelter in Oswego, New York.
Rev. DeMass also highlighted the work of Oswego native and controversial Civil War doctor Mary Walker – who cared for soldiers on both sides of the war.
The lecture series is named for former UW-Marathon County Dean James Veninga, who helped launch WIPPS, UW Center for Civic Engagement and UW Colleges Religious Studies Program.