What’s been going on at WIPPS?
WIPPS announces new Board of Advisors Chair
We are excited to announce that Dave Anderson is the new chair of the WIPPS Board of Advisors.
“I’ve really enjoyed my longtime association with WIPPS because the organization represents so much of what I believe,” Anderson said. “First and foremost, that it is possible to engage in positive civil discourse on difficult issues, and, second, that leaders with diverse views can work together to get things done effectively.”
Jay Stahl named as new WIPPS Journalism Fellow
This year we were thrilled to welcome Jay Stahl as a WIPPS Journalism Fellow.
Stahl, an entertainment reporter at USA TODAY, has been an integral part of the WIPPS Student Journalism Program over the last year, where he provides mentorship and guidance to high school students interested in a career in journalism.
Corrie Norrbom, MD – Superhero of Medicine
The Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation awarded Corina Norrbom, MD with the Superhero of Medicine Award during its annual Health & Harmony event in Madison on April 5, 2024. The Superhero of Medicine Award is presented annually to recognize physicians who go above and beyond the call of duty to improve the health of their community. Dr. Norrbom’s commitment to serving as a leader in the advancement of health equity and her efforts for continuous improvement of medical education and health access are just a few examples of what make her a Superhero of Medicine.
WIPPS receives 2023 Outstanding Partner in Community Health Award
The Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service (WIPPS) was honored to be a recipient of the 2023 Marshfield Clinic Health System Outstanding Partner in Community Health Award.
“Without the direct involvement from these key partners, our work would not be as effective,” said Jay Shrader, vice president of community impact and social accountability for the Health System. “It is the nature of community health that work is done collaboratively with members of the community. We are so fortunate for the hundreds of community partners we work with regularly and wish we could acknowledge them all. These awardees exemplify the highest level of partnership and achievement of the most significant outcomes, and this is one way we can acknowledge and thank them for their commitment to improving the health of our communities.”
Intern Update: Lexi Kurszewski
Below you’ll find an intern update from former WIPPS research assistant Lexi Kurszewski. Lexi graduated from UW- Stevens Point in 2024 and has accepted a position at Sentry Insurance. Congratulations and thank you for your time at WIPPS, Lexi!
Previous Events
Toward One Wisconsin 2024
Over 325 people gathered in Eau Claire, May 7 and 8, for the 2024 Toward One Wisconsin Conference, with the shared goal to elevate the work of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Since the first conference in 2019, T1W has brought together thousands of attendees from diverse backgrounds to have broad ranging conversations around the work of DEI and how to move from talk to action.
T1W 2024 featured two plenary presentations, a keynote speech, and 20 breakout sessions within the four conference tracks (workforce, community, education, and health).
Donna Brazile and Ana Navarro speak at UW-Stevens Point
Donna Brazile, former chair of the Democratic Party, and Republican strategist Ana Navarro came to UW-Stevens Point, April 8, for a conversation moderated by Wisconsin Public Radio’s Rob Mentzer. The event, titled The Health of American Democracy in a Polarized World, was sponsored by the Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leadership and was presented by the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service (WIPPS) and UW-Stevens Point.
Program Updates
Let’s Talk Marathon County
Last year, WIPPS launched Let’s Talk, Marathon County, a program aimed at fostering constructive conversations among residents on a variety of public issues.
Let’s Talk was selected as one of 32 grantees for the Healing Starts Here initiative, a nationwide effort to address and understand divisive forces in communities and promote healing. This initiative is funded by New Pluralists, an organization committed to helping Americans recognize our shared humanity, embrace our differences, and solve challenges together. WIPPS was chosen from a pool of almost 800 applicants.
Let’s Talk Marathon County: Youth Mental Health
WIPPS released a report from a series of dialogues on youth mental health. The dialogues, conducted in Marathon County in November 2023, were part of Let’s Talk, Marathon County, a WIPPS initiative aimed at fostering constructive conversations among residents on a variety of public issues.
A majority of Marathon County residents who participated in the series supported a variety of measures to improve youth mental health in the community. These include expanding the pool of mental health professionals, building emotional regulation into existing health curricula at school, and supporting the well-being of families.
Let’s Talk Marathon County: Homelessness
We also released a report from a series of dialogues on the topic of homelessness, conducted in Marathon County in March 2024.
A majority of Marathon County residents who participated in the series supported a variety of measures to improve youth mental health in the community. These include expanding the pool of mental health professionals, building emotional regulation into existing health curricula at school, and supporting the well-being of families.
Hmong and Hispanic Network Update
The Hmong and Hispanic Network (H2N) has been busy over the last year, with projects including stop the bleed training, healthy summer clinics, a food delivery program, and more.
See below for a list of updates from this important program and fantastic team!
Washington Seminar 2024 Update
The 2024 Washington Seminar is underway! Recently, students kicked off the 3-week study away program by spending the week in Madison, Wisconsin.
The students met with a variety of elected officials, legislative staff members, and policy organizations during their time at the state capitol, including Representative David Murphy, Representative Jodi Emerson, Justice Jill Karofsky, and Governor Tony Evers.
Young Adult Civic Engagement Award
WIPPS was pleased to announce that Kayley McColley of Wausau was the recipient of the 2024 Dave Obey Young Adult Civic Engagement Award.
The award is in honor of former Wisconsin Congressman David R. Obey, who served central and northern Wisconsin as a representative from 1969 to 2011. It is awarded to a young person who demonstrates leadership abilities including initiative, integrity and service to others. Also important is a commitment to civic engagement through building relationships throughout the community and working toward positive change.
You’re Invited: Wausau Juneteenth Celebration
Kayley McColley of Wausau, recipient of the 2024 Dave Obey Young Adult Civic Engagement Award, is inviting you to the Wausau Juneteenth Celebration.
Celebrate freedom and community at the in Wausau Juneteenth Celebration, taking place at Whitewater Music Hall, Saturday June 22nd. This historic day will be commemorated with a vibrant gathering filled with music, inspiring speeches, and delicious food from a local favorite, Taste of Jamaica.
This event is a wonderful opportunity to honor the rich cultural heritage and resilience of the African-American community. Special guest, Reggie Jackson, a nationally recognized race relations expert and speaker, will share powerful insights on the importance of Juneteenth and the ongoing journey towards equality and justice. Don’t miss this chance to come together, learn, and celebrate! Bring your family and friends for an unforgettable day of unity and joy. Let’s celebrate freedom together!
WIPPS Research Partners
Community Health Deliberative Dialogues – How Do We Achieve a Healthy Community for All?
For many years in Wisconsin, local health departments have been working alongside partner organizations hosting community conversations to develop a shared understanding of what creates health and well-being, advancing concepts of social determinants of health and health equity. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the need for a shared understanding of how we make healthy communities for all. Furthering the shared understanding of healthy communities among community leaders and the general public is a key strategy to improve health outcomes and close the gap in health disparities, thereby advancing the wellbeing of all residents and the economic vitality of communities.
Universities of Wisconsin Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship – Women Entrepreneurs Project
The Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship (IBE) partnered with WIPPS Research Partners (WRP) to develop and administer a statewide survey of Wisconsin women entrepreneurs, including those who had successfully obtained capital as well as those who were not successful or had not yet sought capital funding. In addition to the survey, WRP conducted six focus groups with lenders, investors, and financial professionals from across the state.
Price County Health Department – Community Health Needs Assessment
WIPPS Research Partners provided assistance to the Price County Health Department with survey data analysis and a compilation and analysis of publicly available secondary source data on various community health statistics.
Rusk County Health Department – Community Health Needs Assessment
The Rusk County Health Department contracted WIPPS Research Partners to provide assistance with survey data analysis and a compilation and analysis of publicly available secondary source data on various community health statistics. Additionally, we conducted focus groups with community members and various public officials and stakeholders.
City of Wausau Solar Array Task Force
WIPPS Research Partners reviewed and provided feedback to the City of Wausau Solar Array Task Force on a survey instrument and an FAQ document related to the construction of a solar array at the city’s new water treatment facility.
Family Health Center of Marshfield – Central Wisconsin Partnership for Recovery
WIPPS Research Partners aided the Family Health Center of Marshfield – Central Wisconsin Partnership for Recovery, with capturing stakeholder feedback on substance use and prevention services and community improvement. WRP provided assistance with the facilitation and analysis of focus groups with individuals with lived experience with substance abuse.
Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin – How Wausome is Wausau?
The Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin asked WIPPS Research Partners to help with the “How Wausome is Wausau” project. WRP provided assistance with the facilitation and analysis of focus groups with residents of the Wausau area. The purpose of this project was to gather in-depth information from Wausau area residents on their experiences living in their community. The Community Foundation, along with several other local organizations, are interested in promoting the Wausau area as a place to live, not only to help draw new people to the community, but to make it a better place for those who currently live in the area. The need to attract and retain community members is key to meeting current and emerging local workforce demands and the information gathered from residents about their experiences will be used to help inform workforce development and area marketing efforts.
Thank you!
WIPPS works tirelessly to educate and engage residents of Wisconsin, develop future leaders, and help communities meet identified needs.
We can’t do this without your help!
If you would like help ensure the future of WIPPS programs, please consider making a donation.