Public Issue Series: Back to the Future
“Back to the Future? Is Another Great Congress Possible?” is part of the 2015 Public Issues Series sponsored by the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service and UW-Marathon County….
“Back to the Future? Is Another Great Congress Possible?” is part of the 2015 Public Issues Series sponsored by the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service and UW-Marathon County….
This ecumenical dialogue features pastors and authorities from the Abrahamic faiths (faiths that trace a common origin to the prophet Abraham) who will have a moderated panel discussion about timely issues related to faith traditions. Five representatives from the Mainline Protestant, Evangelical Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and Islamic communities of faith, will be present….
…to communities results in a better-educated citizenry who is more engaged in the issues of the day, and all the while, we’re educating tomorrow’s…
…engaged in the issues of the day, and all the while, we’re educating tomorrow’s leaders with our actions of today. With your help, we…
As part of our mission to educate and engage the community, WIPPS continues to sponsor a host of programs and events on issues that…
…Public Issues Series, as well as managing many WIPPS events, chairing the Program Planning Committee and some grant writing. A native of Milwaukee, Julie…
…“it is always important to have good community engagement and knowledge among our citizenry on issues of public policy.” He considers the right to…
…to attend college, explored areas such as the environment, energy, health, the economy and social justice issues. While cost to students was a major…
…of DoorCountyDailyNews.com since her sophomore year. She says the chance to write stories and interview people about important issues and topics is the most…
…and solve real problems. We adhere closely to the Wisconsin Idea by connecting the resources of the public university to issues relevant to the…